Need Emergency Eye Care Near Cheyenne, Wyoming?

Our Emergency Eye Care Specialists Can Help

Eye emergencies can happen when you least expect them. Whether you get something in your eye or suffer a chemical injury to your eye, it can be scary, and it’s important to know what to do when you’re dealing with an eye emergency. Making the wrong decisions can result in further problems developing, as well as temporary or even permanent damage to your eye. Below, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions we get from patients about emergency eye care and what to do when they find themselves in an emergency.

Since 1903, the Cheyenne Eye Clinic & Surgical Center in Cheyenne, WY, has provided comprehensive eye care services to improve patients’ sight and enhance their lives. Our team of highly qualified and experienced doctors and staff are fully equipped to handle a wide range of eye care services, including cataract care, glaucoma care, and general eye care. Call us today! 


How Often Should I Have My Eyes Tested?

The American Optometric Association recommends adults who wear glasses or contact lenses and adults who are over the age of 60 should visit their eye care specialist at least once per year or as suggested by their doctor. 

What Are the Symptoms of an Eye Emergency?

There are several different types of eye emergencies that can occur, and each comes with their own symptoms. If you experience any symptoms from an eye emergency, it’s important to get it checked out as soon as possible, rather than risking your vision and future eye health. If you experience any of the following symptoms following an eye emergency, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with your eye doctor:    

  • Loss of vision
  • Eye pain
  • Double vision
  • Burning or stinging
  • Pupils that aren’t the same size
  • Light sensitivity
  • Any visible abnormality affecting the eye, including bulging, bleeding, or discharge from the eye
  • Severe itching
  • Severe headaches
  • Penetration by a foreign object

If you experience any of these instances, such as penetration by a foreign object, you should go to an emergency eye care center right away. 

What Should I Do if I Suffer a Chemical Eye Injury?

Chemical injuries are some of the most commonly seen eye emergencies in our office. Chemical eye injuries can occur when your eye comes into contact with any product that contains chemicals, including cleaning products, aerosols, garden chemicals, and more. You could suffer a chemical eye injury by simply touching the chemicals and then touching your eyes. Eye burns can even be caused by cutting up hot pepper or onions and then touching your eyes before thoroughly washing your hands.

To prevent any permanent damage to your vision, prompt treatment is essential and should be followed by a trip to your emergency eye care center. If you get chemicals in your eye, rinse your eyes immediately using cool tap water or bottled water for at least 15 minutes to remove as much chemical as possible. 

What Should I Do if I Get Something in My Eye?

If you have a large foreign object that’s stuck in your eye, it’s important not to attempt to remove it. Removal should be done by an eye doctor to prevent further damage to your eye. Many small foreign objects, such as eyelashes or dirt particles, can be removed by either blinking your eye or rinsing it. If the object is still stuck in your eye after taking those steps, get to an emergency eye doctor as soon as possible. Covering your eye in the meantime with a plastic cup or something similar can help prevent anything else from getting in or the object is dislodged. 

What Shouldn’t I Do if I Have an Eye Injury?

There are a few things you should avoid doing when you have an eye injury. You might be tempted to do these things, but it’s important to refrain as doing so could further damage your eye. The things you should avoid doing if you have an eye emergency include: 
  • Putting any medications or ointments into the eye
  • Rubbing the eye
  • Applying any pressure to the eye
  • Using tweezers or other tools to try and remove anything that’s stuck in your eye
  • Take your contact lenses out (If you have a chemical injury, the water you use to flush out your eye might make your contact lenses fall out – if not, you should remove them yourself as they may have chemicals on them)

For more advice about what to do if you experience an eye emergency, please don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable and friendly team.

Comprehensive Clinical & Surgical Eye Care

The professional team at Cheyenne Eye Clinic & Surgery Center is fully equipped to provide solutions for all your eye care needs. To enjoy a lifetime of exceptional eye health, you need a wide range of eye care services from a clinic that can perform everything from routine eye care to emergency eye surgery. Fortunately, you don’t have to bounce from an optometrist at one clinic to an ophthalmologist at another clinic. From cataract care and glaucoma care to low vision services, our team covers the full spectrum of care.

Why Choose Cheyenne Eye Clinic & Surgery Center?

Since 1903, the Cheyenne Eye Clinic and Surgery Center has provided comprehensive eye care services to improve patients’ sight and enhance their lives. Our patients can get everything they need under one roof at the Cheyenne Eye Clinic & Surgery Center. Serving residents in Cheyenne, WY, and the surrounding areas, we’re always welcoming new patients of all ages. Contact us today to learn more or schedule an appointment with our friendly staff!

Important Vision Plan Changes

Our practice works with vision plans on an ‘open-network basis.’ As an open-access provider, we may not be contracted directly with your vision plan, including VSP, Eyemed, and Spectera, but we can provide you with services, glasses, and contacts, and submit an out-of-network claim on your behalf. For questions, please contact our Anagram Information Specialist at (720) 466-1245.