Have you ever noticed how fast your eye can focus when you look from something far away to an object nearby? The change can be seamless, or you may have to wait a beat for the object to come into focus.
As we age, it can become more difficult to see close-up. This is called presbyopia, and it occurs when the lens in the eye becomes less flexible.
If you are already wearing glasses to see far-away objects, you can easily correct presbyopia with bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses.
Bifocal lenses correct for nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia) on top, while magnifying for reading on the bottom, which is where you’ll naturally look to read or to see close-up objects.
Trifocals add a middle ground. These lenses have three focal distances, correcting for nearsightedness or farsightedness on top, middle distance vision in the center, and magnifying for reading on the bottom. The middle distance addition is more comfortable for computer users who look at the screen straight-on and for viewing mid-range objects.
Progressive lenses are trifocals without the lines. Glasses with progressive lenses do the same good work but have a cleaner look for the wearer.
Wearing multi-vision glasses can be a challenge at first; you may need a few weeks to adjust to the difference in vision. It may help to move your head to look at things in the beginning and to practice using your new glasses by looking between a book and a faraway object. As with all new prescriptions, don’t switch back and forth with your old glasses, or you may have to get used to the new ones all over again.
Are you interested in finding out more about bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses? Make an appointment with our optometrist for an eye exam and prescription. Already have a prescription? Walk into our Optical Center where our certified opticians can help you!